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DSAK - Domino Swiss Army Knife (Freeware)

A few additional console commands for the HCL Domino system administrator

The free Domino Swiss Army Knife (DSAK, spelled De-Sack) loads as a small server add-in task on the HCL Domino Server. It adds some commands to help the system administrator perform daily tasks directly on the server console without using the Domino Administrator client.

DSAK currently supports HCL Domino 14.5

Follow development at Mastodon #DominoDSAK

This tool is also shown on the HCL Domino Marketplace


  • HCL Domino 9.0.1 FP8 or above



> Load RunJava JAddin DSAK
22.01.2024 17:08:16   JVM: Java Virtual Machine initialized.
22.01.2024 17:08:16   RunJava: Started JAddin Java task.
22.01.2024 17:08:16   DSAK: Domino Swiss Army Knife (Freeware) - Version 1.5.0 2024-01-22
22.01.2024 17:08:16   DSAK: Copyright (c) - All Rights Reserved
22.01.2024 17:08:16   DSAK: Use command <Tell DSAK ?> for help
> Tell DSAK DBInfo mail/abrunner.nsf
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: NSF File Name                mail\abrunner.nsf
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: NSF Title                    Andy Brunner
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: NSF On-Disk-Structure        55 (Version 12.0+)
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: NSF Replica ID               C1257B3F0013A42E
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: NSF Replication Status       Enabled
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: ACL Administration Server    Server/ABDataDev
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: ACL Maximum Internet Access  Editor
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: ACL Entry                    Name: -Default-, Type: No Access (Unspecified)
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: ACL Entry                    Name: OtherDomainServers, Type: No Access (Server Group)
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: ACL Entry                    Name: CN=Server/O=ABDataDev, Type: Manager (Server), Attribute: Admin Server
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: ACL Entry                    Name: Anonymous, Type: No Access (Unspecified)
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: ACL Entry                    Name: CN=Andy Brunner/O=ABDataDev, Type: Manager (Person)
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: ACL Entry                    Name: LocalDomainAdmins, Type: Manager (Person Group)
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: ACL Entry                    Name: LocalDomainServers, Type: Manager (Server Group)
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: NSF Clustering               Disabled
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: NSF Created                  29.07.2019 16:12:43 CEDT
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: NSF Modified                 19.01.2024 16:52:51 CET
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: NSF Last Fixup               19.01.2024 16:52:52 CET
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: NSF Database Type            Standard
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: NSF Design Inheritance       StdR12Mail
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: NSF Template Name            Database is not a template
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: NSF Documents                19
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: NSF File Size                22 MB
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: NSF File Limits              Maximum 4'194'303 MB
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: NSF Free Space               2 % (0 MB)
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: NSF Forms                    160 Forms, 112 Subforms
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: NSF Indices                  83 Views, 19 Folders
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: NSF Agents                   93 Public, 0 Private
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: Full-Text Index              Database is not full-text indexed
22.01.2024 17:11:12   DSAK: NSF Status Check             OK

Enter Tell DSAK Help to list all available commands


This small utility was created during development and administration of customer projects. If you encounter any problems or if you have a suggestion, please let me know.

You may contact me via my email address


Foto by Nick ter Haar on Unsplash

Freeware / Unlicense

DSAK is freeware and unlicensed. It was created with love and passion in the beautiful country of 🇨🇭 Switzerland. This software shall be used for Good not Evil. As far as I know, no animal was harmed in the making of this software. 😊

Last updated