💻Command DBSign


Tell DSAK DBSign filename


Sign the database with the server id.


  • filename: Full path and name of an existing database


  • Only existing signatures are updated.

  • The DBSign command is implemented by creating an AdminP request in the administration database. After that, the command Tell AdminP Process New is executed on the HCL Domino console to speed up the time for the AdminP process of executing the request.


> Tell DSAK DBSign test.nsf
22.01.2024 17:57:11   Admin Process: Checking for new requests to perform
22.01.2024 17:57:12   DSAK: AdminP request created to sign database. It may take some time to complete.

Make sure that the HCL Domino server is included in the Administrators field in the Domino directory (Server Document > Security > Administrators)

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